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Perfumes – To Wear or Not to Wear - Seli Blog - seli.com.ng/blog

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Perfumes – To Wear or Not to Wear

Have you ever walked past someone and almost passed out from being slammed in the face by a whiff of a very unpleasant odour? Have you ever set out in your neatly pressed clothes with your body smelling like lotion, and then arrived at your destination sweating and smelling like unwashed armpits? Have you ever made a mental note to wear a specific outfit and then found on the D-day that it had a moldy smell from being improperly aired-out? Have you ever dug up old clothing from an antiquated suitcase and found it unwearable, because it reeked too much of camphor or roaches?

What did you do in any of these situations? Did you hold your breath for as long as you could? Did you sit uncomfortably, hoping that the other person wouldn't smell what you knew they could smell? Did you find a replacement outfit or just slip on the moldy one in its awful state? 

Well, here's the truth—because of the harsh economy of the country, a vast number of people are forced to cut back on their expenses. In order to do this, they begin to prioritize. And because consumables typically come before everything else, items like perfume, cologne, deodorant, etc. get pushed to the rear, or become altogether disregarded.

By nature, human beings are drawn to pleasant fragrances, but because of the self-imposed regulation on our pockets, we sometimes opt to skip purchasing that Gravity or Victoria's Secret; after all, these things aren't edible and we can, therefore, live without them. But can we really? 

What we fail to understand is that the type of smell we give off can either have us in comfortable or very awkward positions. It could have our associates scrunching up their noses and gasping for unspoiled air, or us fretting with guilt over an embarrassing situation that could very easily have been avoided.

Here's what you should do today — Ignore that overwhelming impulse to not invest in yourself. Perfumes are a very essential item. They help define you and are a sure-fire way to boost your self-confidence. They are like heaven in a bottle and everyone should own at least one.

If you would like to get the best deals on perfumes, visit Seli Fragrances to select from our wide array of perfumes. 


Kadiri Alex

Kadiri Alex

Kadiri Alex is a graduate of English and Literary Studies. Although he works in Business Development and Social Media Management, he is first a creative/content writer. He is most recognized for his works of fiction. Find him on Instagram at @alexwrites.


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